Friday, December 28, 2012

Henna Belly ... Last Foto Friday of 2012

I haven't done a Foto Friday in a really long time, but I have some pictures to share in honor of it being the last Friday of 2012.

My Sister-N-Law Casandra is about  7+  months pregnant at the moment and she wanted to surprise my brother with some creative and non-traditional pregnancy pics for Christmas, and asked me to take a few pictures for her.  Of course I gladly agreed!

She had done a lot of research on belly henna as a way to celebrate her baby bump, and found a place to do that for her and it came out beautiful! The one thing she insisted was that the pictures be more artsy and focused on her belly as opposed to them being portrait style.

So a few weeks ago we spent a few hours at their place and I had a lot of fun taking them and editing them was even funner! Casandra was unnecessarily hard on herself but she looked AMAZING! One could only hope to be pregnant and look like this!
So I did my best and here are a few of the ones we took...





 So Thank you Casandra for trusting me with taking these pictures 
and for actually liking them enough to give to my brother. Lol!

Serg, I hope you liked them and know that I can't wait to take pictures of Baby Fea too!

From my corner to yours...Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed these pictures too!

Happy Foto Friday!

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Big Brother and a 1st Shave...

One of the joys for me of being a mother of 3 boys is seeing them take care of each other in different ways. I have to consider myself very lucky as my boys are truly very good to each other and are very close.

My boys are also early bloomers and puberty has been proving to hit each one of them earlier than most of their classmates. So Chris had to start to shaving at the end of 6th grade. Too early for my book, but it was necessary. He is now almost 16 and can grow a full beard if he wished to. Danny is 13 years old now and has had a noticeable mustache for over a year, but has been avoiding the shave for fear of cutting himself. I haven't pushed either as I would love to hold him off from having to take on such a manly responsibility for a few more years, but as we all know, Mother Nature has her own schedule for all of us.

 So yesterday I was witness to one of those moments of Christian taking care of Danny. Where I saw Chris take the responsibility as a big brother to help Danny grow up a just a little bit.

He helped Danny decide that it was time for his first shave...OMG!

He offered to shave next to him to show him how to avoid getting cut, and Danny trusting in his big brother agreed to try.

Chris gave him step by step instructions

 Danny giggled nervously as he put the shaving cream on his face.

 But then concentrated completely as he watched his brother start to shave first.

Chris made sure Danny was careful and got the right techniques in

He made sure he got that close shave...

And voila...Danny had a clean shaven mustache!
Wow! I couldn't decide if he looked younger or older now, but he definitely looked... different.
He looked great! And felt great too!


He was so excited that he had gotten through it without a cut, and was grateful to Chris for helping him shave. He felt so grown up too! Mikey gave him a sincere "Wow! Good for you Danny. Looks good!" He waited for his dad to get home to show him, and Jerry congratulated him for taking the big step.

The best part of this was that Chris felt the impact maybe even more so than Danny. He quietly commented to me that by helping Danny shave, it made him realize just how much he and his brothers were all growing up, and too fast even for him.

(Sigh)....I couldn't agree with him more!


From my corner to yours... feeling very grateful and a Happy Friday to all!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Doing our small part to help MEND...

Jerry and I have been talking about doing something as a family to help out in the community during the holidays for a long time, but unfortunately we haven't been able to or to be more honest, maybe we just hadn't made enough of an effort to figure out what to do.

This year I was determined to make it happen and I recently signed up the five of us to volunteer at an organization called MEND (Meeting Each Need) for their Christmas distribution which happened this past Sunday, a week before Christmas.

MEND's headquarters is located in the city of  San Fernando and has a beautiful building in which it receives, distributes food, clothes and other necessities to the local needy families and the homeless. 

MEND was started by a local man and his wife out of their garage which has grown tremendously, and it is going on over 20 years of service in the San Fernando Valley. They have only 25 employees and 80% of their workforce are volunteers! Amazing!

Their mission statement is inspiring...

We signed up for a 4.5 hour shift on Sunday, not truly a long shift in the big picture of everything that MEND does, but we hope we did our small part to help out. Jerry and I felt strongly in wanting the boys to open their eyes during the holidays to see just how lucky they truly are when there are others who need more than they do.

Our first job was to sort a a huge bin of canned goods into their appropriate boxes so they could store them accordingly to later make take home bags for the homeless.

 We actually got this done fairly quickly as we were paired up with other volunteers that were there from Kennedy High School. So the next job Mikey and I got was to break down cardboard boxes, flatten them out and put them together for them, and clean up around the warehouse. They take these boxes and recycle them locally and the money they receive from recycling, they use to buy more food or supplies to support their services.

 This was Mikey's favorite job. Mikey loves boxes because his imagination turns them into a million other things. He kept saying how cool this box and that box would be for this or that project, but he worked hard to help get this done.

The rest of our shift was spent helping with the distribution of gifts and food to those needy families that had applied for help earlier in the year.  Families had started lining up outside earlier that morning and were let in a few at a time and led around by a volunteer helping them choose toys and other gifts for their families this Christmas and were also given 2 boxes of food for a holiday feast.
Mikey and I were given the front door post to help those families coming in and directing them to the appropriate spot inside, and holding the door open for those volunteers carrying out each family's boxes out to the curbside.

That's where Jerry, Christian and Danny were then scheduled to work. They were outside helping each family on the curbside to mark their boxes with their names and put their boxes into their cars. It was raining and it was hectic but I watched my boys work really hard at helping each family out. 

Mikey even got into helping them out too.  It felt really good to watch them having such a good time. You could see how good they felt as as well as the other volunteers did as they helped out with smiles and wished each and every family a Merry Christmas as they left.

After our shift was over, lunch was offered to the volunteers as they closed for an hour to get ready for the second shift of families coming in the afternoon. We thanked them for letting us help out and we assured them we'd be back next year, if not sooner and more often. It was a great experience.

We all left with high spirits as it had been a very special morning for all of us. We were all happy to have helped out such a great organization, but more importantly we knew that those families we saw were going to have a nice Christmas after all. Everybody deserves to have a special holiday.

If anything it helped the boys realize that Christmas is much more than about "what's in it for them." Its about giving and giving of one's time to help out someone else, and more importantly that its more about family and being together during this time. They loved that we had done this together as a family and I know that they will remember this experience for a long time.

If you're interested in helping out MEND with supplies or volunteer time, please see their website to find more information on how to get involved.

From my corner to yours...

May your family be together in all that you do this holiday season, and may we all do our part to MEND one family at a time.

Monday, December 10, 2012

We don't have a baby anymore...

Mikey, 10 years ago on December 7th you were born 
and you became my last baby boy in my world of only boys...and I was complete.

I was determined to love everything you did as a little boy because you would be my last chance to experience any of those precious moments...and I'm happy to say that I truly did just that.

You have now turned 10 years old and even though its sad for me to think that you are no longer a baby anymore, I can't help but look back at your baby pictures and just realize what an amazing little boy you've become.

You nickname was going to be Teddy, but it didn't stick... 'Mikey' did and it fits you perfectly.

Danny wouldn't even look at you for 2 days when I brought you home from the hospital,  and now he can't live without you...none of us can!
 You were such a good baby for me and sat patiently wherever I put you, but you learned to walk and you quickly made known then level of energy you had.


You have always marched to you own beat!
 Your boyish enthusiasm, energy and relentlessness have given us moments of fear, grief and laughter,
but that face with that big hair, those lips and that look in your eyes have melted our hearts every time. 

Your big hair is gone, but you still have that look that melts.

Your poor little hands have gotten you into a lot of trouble and sometimes still do, but I tell you and truly believe that God gave you those hands so you can do something special with them one day, and today you are proving to be an incredible artist, who's creative and super resourceful. We can 't wait to see what He has planned for you because you are amazing!

You have been our drama king at times, and yet the one to show us all the love the next...

You have your own personality, your so independent but yet you love being with your brothers and need them just as much as they need you.

  You absorb information like no one else, and we can always count on you to come home
 and tell us stuff about the world that we didn't even know...
You blow our minds!


You have a heart of gold and you show it everytime you can.

We celebrated your 10th birthday on Friday and you showed us just how much heart you had when we surprised you with the one thing you've been so patiently wishing and waiting for. 
Your tears and sweet emotions showed us how grateful and grown up you've gotten, 
and it was such a powerful moment for all of us.

We're so proud of who you are Mikey!

We may not have a baby anymore, but you will be OUR baby...Forever!!
We LOVE You So Much!!!

Happy 10th Birthday Baby Boy!!