Monday, December 10, 2012

We don't have a baby anymore...

Mikey, 10 years ago on December 7th you were born 
and you became my last baby boy in my world of only boys...and I was complete.

I was determined to love everything you did as a little boy because you would be my last chance to experience any of those precious moments...and I'm happy to say that I truly did just that.

You have now turned 10 years old and even though its sad for me to think that you are no longer a baby anymore, I can't help but look back at your baby pictures and just realize what an amazing little boy you've become.

You nickname was going to be Teddy, but it didn't stick... 'Mikey' did and it fits you perfectly.

Danny wouldn't even look at you for 2 days when I brought you home from the hospital,  and now he can't live without you...none of us can!
 You were such a good baby for me and sat patiently wherever I put you, but you learned to walk and you quickly made known then level of energy you had.


You have always marched to you own beat!
 Your boyish enthusiasm, energy and relentlessness have given us moments of fear, grief and laughter,
but that face with that big hair, those lips and that look in your eyes have melted our hearts every time. 

Your big hair is gone, but you still have that look that melts.

Your poor little hands have gotten you into a lot of trouble and sometimes still do, but I tell you and truly believe that God gave you those hands so you can do something special with them one day, and today you are proving to be an incredible artist, who's creative and super resourceful. We can 't wait to see what He has planned for you because you are amazing!

You have been our drama king at times, and yet the one to show us all the love the next...

You have your own personality, your so independent but yet you love being with your brothers and need them just as much as they need you.

  You absorb information like no one else, and we can always count on you to come home
 and tell us stuff about the world that we didn't even know...
You blow our minds!


You have a heart of gold and you show it everytime you can.

We celebrated your 10th birthday on Friday and you showed us just how much heart you had when we surprised you with the one thing you've been so patiently wishing and waiting for. 
Your tears and sweet emotions showed us how grateful and grown up you've gotten, 
and it was such a powerful moment for all of us.

We're so proud of who you are Mikey!

We may not have a baby anymore, but you will be OUR baby...Forever!!
We LOVE You So Much!!!

Happy 10th Birthday Baby Boy!!

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