Friday, January 4, 2013

My One Little Word (OLW)...2013

Its 2013 and its time for a fresh start for everybody so I included a freshened up look for my blog with a few changes and additions. They're meant to help you get around easier. Hope you like it!

Also as you know, its that time again for me to pick my one little word for the new year. Its become something very important to me, and something that I actually started thinking about earlier than usual in last few months.

Its become such a big deal for me that I wanted to really understand and make the most out of picking my word this year.  So I am taking a class with my SIL given by the well known designer/blogger,  Ali Edwards called
ONE Little Word and I'm super excited.


Its a class in which she takes you through a 12 month journey of creative exercises relating to your word. She explains "A single word can be a powerful thing...One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities.

In the years since I've started picking a word for the year, this has held true for me. It has given me a guide, a sense of direction to put into practice throughout my life each year, and in the end I have either done something new or different and in the process have learned something new about myself. So in essence it has helped me grow.

And so in this spirit...A certain theme has been surfacing for me in the last few months. Its been coming up in different ways through situations, conversations with friends, in ways as simple as a random Facebook post. Its been speaking to me, and I've been listening.  I've really had to analyze what I'm feeling, what I feel this word thinks I need in my life and where I'm headed based on what's happened this past year. The word that keeps popping up in my mind is

Amongst other things it means:

a (1) : a stage in the process of growing 
b : the process of growing
c : progressive development : evolution

Like I mentioned, I feel like I've been doing a lot of growing and changing already in the last 5-6 years. I've made personal changes, physical changes, and growing stronger in many ways too.


There is apparently a need for the furthering of my "progressive evolution." There have been situations I've noticed that make me go crazy, I'm not the most patient person anymore (hey, I'm getting older and my fuse is much shorter), and yes, there are moments where I can be very much a prideful little girl. Sorry, I've never been perfect, but then again who is.

I think in part, growth for me will also mean letting go of a lot "old stuff"- feelings, resentments, fears, etc., that are getting in the way of being a version of my true self.

That statement right there makes it difficult for me already. Part of me is naturally fighting this and it makes me feel vulnerable but I guess that goes with the territory. I don't exactly know how I'm going to grow or in what areas, and honestly I'm afraid of the can of worms I may be opening up for myself.  I guess we'll see but my goal is to find joy, peace and more happiness in many areas of my life, and at the end of this journey with Ali's class, I hope to be a step closer to doing just that.

Other areas I want to find Growth in:
  • Faith
  • Knowledge
  • Income (always!!!)
  • Creative and Professional Skills 
  • Opportunities
And anything else that I can find growth in. Although, I have to say...the only thing I will not allow myself to have growth in weight! I am still on the road to find a consitent decline in this area, lol!

I hope that you too will find the inspiration to find your OLW for 2013. If you're so inclined, join us in checking out Ali's class too!

From my corner to yours...Have a wonderful start to 2013!


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