Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Motivations- Life is Too Short!!

Hello All,

Its Monday, and as I come out of a very busy and delightful weekend in which I celebrated my birthday, I also come out of a weekend in which I lost a childhood crush, but more importantly, I sadly almost lost my father as well on the same day. He lives in South America and suffered a heart attack, but with the grace of God has survived because they caught the symptoms in time to get him the help he needed and is expected to do just fine. It hasn't been easy, but as much as I celebrated I also spent some time crying and realizing just how much we take others and our life for granted.

So without going into too much of anything, I just want to just leave you with the following motivation because 
Life is Just TOO SHORT!!!
 Take advantage of it and do things before its too late!!

                                                                                   Source: via Sandy on Pinterest

Have a blessed week!!

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