Monday, March 24, 2014

Currently...Christian's 17th B-day

Currently I am...
Feeling- very nostalgic today
Remembering- that he was just a baby...our first baby...yesterday
In disbelief- that we have a 17 year old!! 

Grateful- that the teenage years are half way over ;)

Admiring- the wonderful young man he is becoming
Anticipating-  so many great things for him this next year
Wanting- all his dreams to come true and soo much more
Learning- to let him do his own thing and be who he needs to be

Preparing- to let him go
Praying- that God will always be there by his side to guide and protect him
Blessed- and incredibly lucky to have such an amazing son in our lives!

Happy 17th Birthday Christian!
We LOVE You Baby!!
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Christian. Where does the time fly.