
Monday, January 14, 2013

Growth- OLW Motivation

Remember how I mentioned to you that my year's word of "Growth" keeps randomly popping up at me? Well once again, last week I was perusing my Facebook wall, and I came across a post from a friend's husband who is a PhD in Theology and Psychology (I hope I got that right), and it hit me like a ton of bricks!

 And it read...

Omg! This is the key!

This is exactly what my journey is this year!

This is what I have to figure out in so many ways!

And I know I may not figure it out at all at once, but I feel like this will play over and over in my mind as I take situations in hand. It will help me take a moment to either hold on or to learn to let go, and in turn grow as a person a little bit more each time.

Thank you Dr. Ross Porter for putting this out there as if you knew I'd needed to read it and for letting me use it. :)

May you find random inspiration in your One Little Word and may it help you grow as well.

From my corner to yours... Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Great quote! That totally applies to my entire blog! :-) Have fun with OLW this year!


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